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Pubblicato il: 02/05/2023 - Aggiornato il: 20/07/2023
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Ponte dell’Industria, step forward toward restoration work

The Conference of Services was held today (Thursday, April 27, ed.) to approve the preparatory work for the upcoming consolidation and conservative restoration of the Ponte dell'Industria, which will be carried out by Anas. The meeting, which was attended by the entities involved in the implementation of the project, focused in particular on the construction of a temporary footbridge adjacent to the Bridge in which to move all the cables of the sub-services (gas, communications, electricity network, water network) so as to not interrupt the supply to the inhabitants of the affected quadrant during the main construction site related to the consolidation of the Bridge. The footbridge will be built by Anas: work will begin by mid-May and will be completed by September. The work will remain in place until the completion of the Bridge.

"Today we have taken one more step forward that will lead us to shortly carry out the long-awaited intervention on Ponte dell'Industria. The fire that hit it is still an open wound, with Mayor Gualtieri we have, since the first days of taking office, firmly decided to revive a beautiful and fundamental work for the connection of the city, also used for public transport. In addition, a protected pedestrian path will be built on the side of the Bridge, sea side. Thanks to this fundamental intervention, the work of securing and restoring the Bridge will begin by this summer, a beautiful work of art that within 14 months will return to its full functionality," comments Public Works Councillor Ornella Segnalini.