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Trucks - Distribution of merchandise

Pubblicato il: 17/06/2016 - Aggiornato il: 27/11/2023
Merchandise Permit (distribution within the LTZ) Access to the Trastevere LTZ and Merchandise LTZ, as defined by Council Resolution No. 44/2007, vehicles used for the distribution of goods are allowed only if they have a permit. On the stickers are indicated the emissions category of the vehicle, the date of enrollment and the type of power, as well as any restrictions on hours of access, depending on the technical characteristics of the vehicle to be used (mass, power, emission characteristics) and the type of goods to be transported, on the basis of the provisions of the Council Resolution n. 245/2011. Who can apply: Companies engaged in the distribution of goods, whether perishable or non, for themselves or for third parties and using trucks with a total weight up to 3500 kg (in case of petrol or diesel-fueled trucks) or up to 6500 kg if the vehicle has a motor fueled by LPG, natural gas, hybrid or bimodal, or lorries of a greater mass based on the different limitations provided by law. How many permits can be issued: There is no limit to the number of LTZ permits that can be requested by a company engaged in the transport goods within the LTZ. Each sticker with a license plate allows access to only one truck. What is the validity: 1 year or less What it allows you to do: Access and circulate in the LTZ Merchandise area (which also includes the LTZ Historic City Center) and the Trastevere LTZ. The access time windows differ depending on the technical characteristics of the vehicle to be authorized (mass, power, emissions category) and the type of goods transported. It is permitted to park in special stalls exclusively for the operations of loading/unloading the goods, for a maximum period of 30 minutes and with the mandatory use of the parking time disc. As for the LTZ A1 - Tridente area, access, circulation and parking have limited access: it is permitted for vehicles used to transport goods to access the area until 10:30 am, and the loading/unloading of merchandise is allowed until 11:30 am (these limitations are in addition to those restrictions already established the Council Resolution n. 245/2011 and by the current law in force). In addition, access is allowed - without further limitations other than the provisions of Resolution - for vehicles used in press distribution, transportation of medicines, fresh bread, quantities of money via armored vehicles or and for correspondence/delivery (i.e. for the transport of precious valuables). How to request a permit: · by mail, by sending your request after completing the application form, a copy of the documents referred to herein and a copy of your identity document to: Roma Servizi per la Mobilità – via Silvio D'Amico n 40 - 00145 Rome · by fax, by sending your completed request form, a copy of the documents referred to therein and a copy of your identity document to the number +39 06 46956660 · at the public teller's window, by presenting your completed application form, a copy of the documents referred to therein and a copy of your identity document The forms with specific instructions are available in the box "Forms" on the right of this page. The sending of the request and of the documentation for the new permit is not sufficient to avoid administrative penalties. Only those in possession of the sticker are authorized to enter the LTZ area. RATES Trucks* Year of request Euro 4 Euro 5 Euro 6 LPG, Hybrid, Electric-bimodal 2015 € 2,032.00 € 1,452.00 € 1,152.00 € 392.00 2016 € 2,032.00 € 1,452.00 € 1,152.00 € 392.00 All electric vehicles (trucks and other vehicles) are exempted from the payment of the sticker. The amounts shown in the table are inclusive of € 16.00 (virtual stamp duty). Starting 01/01/2015 the Euro 3 trucks (diesel and gasoline) are not allowed inside the LTZ Merchandise Distribution zone. It is also possible to purchase a book of 50, 100 or 200 daily permits to access the LTZ of Rome in vehicles registered as trucks. REGULAR INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS Issuing permits for trucks is subject to proof of regular insurance contributions (you have to produce copies of the single insurance contribution payment certificate - "DURC"). PERMITS FOR VEHICLES USED FOR ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE AND FUNERAL SERVICES For vehicles for roadside assistance and funerary transport to access the LTZ, they must be equipped with a temporary permit for a fee. PERMITS FOR LOCAL PUBLIC SERVICE AGENCIES The trucks used by companies and organizations engaged in the construction, repair and maintenance of the networks (Acea, Telecom, Enel, Eni, Italgas) and in postal services must be equipped with a pass. To ensure greater flexibility in the use of corporate fleets, permits shall be issued without an indication on them of the license plate number. Access to the LTZ, on the same day, is allowed to a number of vehicles equal to the number of permits purchased. IMPORTANT: the ratio of the number of permits purchased by such agencies and the number of vehicles belonging to the company fleet can not be less than 1 in 10. The cost of permits is calculated as a weighted average in function of the emission characteristics of the trucks belonging to the company fleet previously communicated. For passenger cars the unit fee is € 2,016.00 (plus the € 16.00 for the stamp duty).