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Parking control

Pubblicato il: 24/03/2022 - Aggiornato il: 24/03/2022

All tourist bus carriers must have a parking ticket for parking in the short and hourly parking areas dedicated to tourist buses in the territory of Roma Capitale (from Monday to Sunday).
The parking bays are numbered and using the multilingual parking meter dedicated to buses, typing in the license plate of the vehicle and the number of the occupied space (visible at the top left or bottom right of the parking area) - the parking meter issues the ticket to be displayed, with the end time of parking.
In order not to incur administrative sanctions, coaches must leave the area within the time indicated as "end of stop". The ticket is issued only to vehicles equipped with a valid vehicle permit and consistent with the parking area occupied, otherwise the meter does not release parking ticket and the vehicle must promptly leave the parking area.
In case of parking in an hourly parking area, it is possible to extend the 3 hours of free parking - provided by the purchased parking permit - by paying the hourly rate of € 100 directly at the parking meter, only by credit card or debit card.
In the short stay areas it is not possible to stay longer than the 15 minutes free of charge provided by the purchased parking permit.
To simplify the accreditation operation it is possible to download the app "Bus Parking Roma" (Android) and obtain the ticket digitally. How it works
To activate the app, simply scan the QRCode of the parking permit with your smartphone and select the occupied parking area on the map, entering the same information needed for the parking meter, i.e. license plate and parking space number.
The parking ticket via app (which contains the same information as the paper one and can be shown to the control bodies) can be issued only when the vehicle occupies the chosen stall.