City Council
With the resolution of the 'Capitolina Assembly No. 8 of March 3, 2017, the resolution of the Capitolina Assembly No. 14 of April 10, 2014, was amended and integrated, expanding the role and powers of the City Council, which, as a result of this amendment and integration, takes the new name of "City Council Road Safety, Gentle Mobility and Sustainability" (read more)
The actions proposed by the Road Safety Master Plan of the PUMS - Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan - descend from the 2017 Extraordinary Program. The PUMS also identifies the so-called trend scenario, which follows the 'Vision Zero' approach.
It starts from the belief that human error is inevitable but; nevertheless, engineers, policy makers and the entire Collectivity must do everything in their power to ensure that traffic accidents do not result in deaths or serious injuries.
Vision Zero is the road safety project started in Sweden in 1997 with the aim of eliminating deaths and injuries due to road accidents. The project has since spread to other European countries such as Sweden, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
The Vision Zero approach is the basis of the new European program to reduce road fatalities. It is clearly not a slogan, but a goal.
Speed reduction and speed control are the key measures of the project; the maximum deployment of 30 km/h speed limits throughout urban areas.
Under Graphic 1
Historical series of the number of accidents with fatalities, deaths and injuries 2004 - 2020 (Istat data)
Under Graphic 2
Processing Center of Expertise on Road Safety on data from Rome Capital Local Police)
- generalized speed reduction (the main cause of traffic accidents); introduction of the generalized 30 km/h limit on all local roads (environmental islands)
- development of public transport (the absolute safest mode of travel)
- reduction of the motorization rate (now the highest in Europe at 840 vehicles/1,000 inhabitants. Paris: 415; London: 398)
- wide dissemination of Road Safety Culture; invest in awareness campaigns targeting all Citizens (billboards; commercials; slogans; TV and social media passages). Safety must be communicated
- design of road areas that puts weak users at the center and promotes 'active' mobility (not only within environmental islands, but also along main roads)
Monitoring and sanctioning
Overall, accidents in Rome in 2019 resulted in a social cost of more than €1,100,000,000. Registered accidents involved 1,918 pedestrians, and 95 percent of these accidents resulted in 39 deaths and 1,952 injuries. 389 accidents involved cyclists and resulted in 5 deaths and 293 injuries among cyclists. Motorcycles and mopeds were involved in 7,360 accidents, which resulted in 33 deaths and 5,023 injuries among users of powered two-wheelers. Forty-four percent of those killed in traffic accidents in Rome in 2019 were cyclists or pedestrians.
The above data is derived from the processing of data of the Rome Capital Police carried out by the "Center of Competence on Road Safety" (CdCSS), a technical structure dedicated to the collection, management and analysis of accident data, which operates in support of the planning, design and management activities of the Administration's road safety interventions.
- In Rome, about 34% of deaths involve weak road users (pedestrians and cyclists).
- Another 25% of deaths involve users of 2-wheel motor vehicles.
- Overall, 59% of deaths affect vulnerable road users
There are consistently serious consequences for vulnerable users, and particularly for the elderly.
This means that Rome is still an auto-centric city and work still needs to be done to transform it into a pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly city.
The Goal
Increase opportunities for active mobility with the implementation of a network of bicycle routes planned in the PUMS. Develop modes other than private motorized mobility, particularly for systematic home-to-work travel
The PUMS identifies 77 environmental islands.
Currently underway are:
- Ostia Antica: €261,704.58
- Casal Bertone: 837,140.28 €
- Old Quadraro: 512,618.38 €
- securing of intersections, critical road sections, Local Public Transport stops (interventions on 46 waiting platforms; 28 others in progress)
- establishment of the "City Council on Road Safety, Gentle Mobility and Sustainability," and renewal of governing bodies
- updating of information systems in use at the RSM Road Safety Competence Center for systematic analyses of accident dynamics, based on data provided by the Roma Capitale Local Police. Annual accident reports and identification of road sections and intersections at highest risk (launch of the "Black Point" project)
- awareness campaigns in schools ("De.Si.Re." project, which involved 15 schools and about 5,000 pupils)
- securing of pedestrian adduction routes to schools (14 school buildings)
- experimentation with 'school streets'
- periodic pedestrianization initiative #ViaLibera
- implementation of 'traffic calming' interventions and raised crosswalks (via Tevere; via Giovanni da Procida; etc...)
- experimentation with illuminated crosswalks (largo Amba Aradam; via Tuscolana; etc...) and new technologies
- calibration of road sections and protection of sections of lanes reserved for tpl. "Road diet" interventions
- campaign of PLRC controls at crosswalks
- design and implementation of new Zones 30 and environmental islands; creation of new pedestrian areas and spaces, according to the indications of the PGTU and the scenario shared in the Urban Plan for Sustainable Mobility (largo Gaetana Agnesi; piazza Perin del Vaga; via Nino Bixio; reorganization of via dei Romagnoli and redevelopment of the access to the Julius II suburb in Ostia Antica; new environmental islands in Borgo, Quadraro Vecchio and Casal Bertone; etc...)
- proposals and comparison on ''tactical urbanism'' measures and interventions
- planned maintenance interventions of the main road network (paving and signage)
PUMSIThe PUMS (Urban Plan for Sustainable Mobility) is the strategic plan that develops a system vision of mobility with a short, medium and long term time horizon.
Learn about the Plan
POR FESR 2014-2020 Programma Operativo Regione Lazio Fondi Europei, divided into objectives: research and innovation, Lazio digital, competitiveness, energy sustainability and mobility, hydrogeological and seismic risk prevention.
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