- The short-term scenario consists of the most urgent and important works for the Administration and the citizens of the Capital (residents, city users, off-site students and tourists).
- The medium-term scenario contemplates works that are relevant but may require longer design time dictated by the complexity of the work, i.e., have a lower level of priority.
- The long-term scenario encompasses all the works deemed feasible and useful to the community, with a view to keeping the four-line metro network layout, already provided for in the current planning instruments, to a minimum.
The guidelines of the Roma Capitale Sustainable Mobility Plan are the tool for understanding the content and stages of the processes involved in the PUMS.
Three topics-among all those covered-are of particular relevance:
- The presence of a list of infrastructure interventions that have already been defined by the Capitoline Council and that relate exclusively to the strengthening of public transport. The choice of these invariant works has allowed to start elaborating the designs requested over the years by citizens and which still have not seen the design process completed. The design of these works and the related request for funding was initiated in parallel with the drafting of the PUMS, which will therefore see these works as invariants.
- Participation and acquisition of proposals from Roman citizens, city users, tourists and off-site students, through the specially created portal and with meetings on the territory in order to receive further suggestions from citizens.
- The measurement indicators of the macro objectives of the plan for checking the validity of the proposals made in the composition of the plan scenario. The indicators concern:
- Socio-economic sustainability
- Energy-environmental sustainability
- Effectiveness and efficiency of the mobility system
The guiding principles of PUMS are integration, participation, evaluation and monitoring.
The PUMS placed citizens and the satisfaction of their mobility needs at the center, with an approach that was transparent, participatory, and included the involvement of all stakeholders from the very beginning of its definition process.
With the PUMS, a revolution has taken place, from transportation planning to sustainable mobility: in fact, the ex post approach on traffic as a "critical issue" has lapsed, and the assessment of people's travel needs and the related supply of sustainable modes of travel has emerged as a priority.
For an Urban Mobility Plan to be sustainable, an urban transportation system is designed to:
- ensure transportation options for all citizens to access key destinations and services
- improve safety and security conditions
- reduce air and noise pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy consumption
- increase the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of transporting people and goods
- contribute to the attractiveness of the area and the quality of the urban environment
The PUMS works for the benefit of citizens, the economy and society, as indicated by the programmatic lines (Capitoline Assembly Resolution No. 9 of August 3, 2016):
"(...) will have to be transparent and shared. The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan - PUMS and, in coherence with other planning tools, a multi-year infrastructure plan will be prepared that identifies the most urgent interventions in compliance with the criteria of safety, sustainability, accessibility and affordability (...)."