DGC 856/2000 provides for the possibility of free access to Rome's LTZs - with the exception of the A1 Tridente LTZ - for doctors and certain institutional figures (Mayors of the Municipalities of Italy, Presidents of the Metropolitan Cities, Presidents of the Regions of Italy) on the occasion of particular temporary needs connected with the performance of their duties. To request authorization for access, it is necessary to make the request online and immediately obtain the paper sticker, to be displayed during circulation as a mere identification.
The owners of tow trucks (both in private service and on call from Police Forces) to communicate their entry in the City Centre and/or Trastevere LTZs must send the following documentation via email:
• request - on letterhead paper - with details of the service carried out (day, place, vehicle used)
• for services on call from Police Forces - certificate of the intervention carried out
• for private services - intervention sheet and receipt of payment of € 102,00 for the daily permit. The payment is made on the account with IBAN IT 07 O 07601 03200 000047172002 payable to Roma Capitale - Mobility and Transport Department - Historic Centre Permits Office.
For both types of service the granting of daily permits is free of charge for services carried out on call by the Police Forces and against payment for private services.
In order to obtain daily authorizations for the ZTL (without issuing a permit) it is possible to call, prior to accessing the LTZ, the Single Number 06.57003 for the following categories:
• People with disabilities (residents in other Municipalities) - must communicate the day of access in the LTZ, the license plate, number of the special circulation sticker and the Municipality of residence;
• Cabs - holders of licenses issued by other Municipalities - must communicate the day of access in the LTZ, the license plate, the license number, the Municipality that issued the same.
The application and sending of documentation for a new permit is not sufficient to avoid administrative penalties. Only the possession of the sticker constitutes authorization to access a LTZ.
Incomplete requests or requests that do not comply with the current regulations will not be accepted. No communication is due from Roma Servizi per la Mobilità in relation to such non-acceptance.
Who can request it?
• those who have temporary physical impediments and who, in order to go to their workplace located in a LTZ, or cannot use Local Public Transport;
• companies working in goods’ distribution for their own account and/or on behalf of third parties and that can use only lorries for this activity;
• companies carrying out technological services (installation, assistance, maintenance, cleaning and building work);
• companies that carry out funeral transport activities.
How many permits can be issued?
1 permit for individuals with physical impairments
According to request, from companies that carry out goods distribution, technological services or funeral transport.
What is the validity?
• Maximum 3 months for subjects with physical impediments.
• Equal to the work contract and in any cases less than 1 year for companies that carry out distribution of goods or technological services (for work contracts with a longer validity, the annual mark M or X must be requested)
• One day for funeral transport’s service
What it allows you to do
• Access, circulate and park free of charge, exclusively during the validan hours of the transit limitations, inside City Centre and the Trastevere district’s LTZs for people with physical impediments and for companies that provide technological services.
• To access and circulate in the Good’s LTZs (which also includes the ZTL of the Historical Center) and in the ZTL of the Trastevere district for companies that carry out distribution of goods. Access time bands differ according to the anti-pollution category of the vehicle
Parking is allowed in the special parking spaces exclusively for loading/unloading goods for a maximum period of 30 minutes and with compulsory use of the time disk.
The only exception is the A1 LTZ- Tridente, an area in which only those specifically authorized may circulate and park.
How you can apply for the permit
please go to the counter located in via Silvio D'Amico n 38
How much it costs
Cost of concession charge for each day of the individual vehicle’s authorization: € 10.00 (25% discount for vehicles powered by LPG, methane, hybrid and electric-bimodal)
To this amount the following costs must be added:
• € 16.00 for the payment of the virtual stamp duty for the application +
• € 16.00 for the payment of the virtual stamp duty of the permit + € 60.00 for the payment of the virtual stamp duty of the licence
• € 60,00 for the payment of the preliminary investigation fees.
These amounts remain unchanged for requests valid for more than 1 day, while the permit fee (€ 10.00) is multiplied by the number of days of the permit up to a maximum of 27 consecutive days (including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) which therefore, is the maximum term for which temporary permits may be issued. In the case of renewal of permits - even if they were first valid for less than 27 days - the cost should be recalculated with respect to the above information.
How you can pay
For all applications: the payment (in a lump sum) can be made - FROM MARCH 1, 2021 at our counter in via Silvio D'Amico n 38 via ATM or credit card, at the time of application submission.
Documents to be produced
N.B. When applying for a permit for a truck, it is compulsory to provide a copy of the Single Document of Contributive Regularity (DURC) showing regular contributions.
Please provide the following documentation required for the issue of the above permits:
• request for leave by the interested party;
• a statement from the employer, certifying the location of the offices to which the permit applicant must go (in the case of students: a copy of the school attendance certificate for the current year);
• medical certificate issued by a public facility attesting to the presumed period of illness (prognosis) and the inability to use public transport;
• copy of the vehicle's registration certificate, or a substitute declaration (N.B. vehicles with a maximum full load capacity of more than 3.5 tons and which do not comply with the European Union's minimum directives on environmental pollution cannot be authorized - for petrol vehicles: EEC 91/441 and subsequent, for diesel vehicles: 91/542/EEC - phase B and subsequent, or 94/12/EEC and subsequent);
In the case of a car given on gratuitous loan for use by a first degree relative: declaration of gratuitous loan with the specification of the legal relationship (first degree kinship) between the person giving the use of the vehicle and the applicant;
In the case of a vehicle given on gratuitous loan for use by a legal person: declaration of gratuitous loan with the specification of the legal relationship (first degree kinship) between the person giving the use of the vehicle and the applicant;
in case of leasing or renting of the vehicle: copy of the leasing or renting report.
Please provide the following documentation required for the issue of the above permits:
• request for permit by the company concerned;
• a copy of the certificate of registration with the C.CI.A.A. (not older than 6 months) of the requesting company or a substitute statement showing the number, date of registration, number of the R.E.A., registered office of the company and activity carried out;
• documentation attesting to the need to carry out the activities of setting up the convention, conference, event, etc.;
• form with declaration from the client (inside the LTZ) requesting the service
• copy of the vehicle's registration certificate, or substitutive declaration copy (N.B. vehicles with a maximum full load capacity exceeding 3.5 tons and which, as far as cars are concerned, do not comply with the minimum directives provided for by the European Union on environmental pollution cannot be authorized - for petrol vehicles: EEC 91/441 and subsequent, for diesel vehicles: 91/542/EEC - phase B and subsequent, or 94/12/EEC and subsequent. However, for the application for permits for the circulation of trucks the minimum anti-pollution characteristics for access are Euro 4 and higher);
• copy of the Single Document of Contributive Regularity (DURC) in case of request for access in ZTL of a truck;
• in case of leasing or rental of the vehicle: copy of the leasing or rental report.
Please provide the following documentation required for the issue of the above permits:
• permit application by the company concerned;
• copy of the certificate of registration with the C.CI.A.A. (not older than 6 months) of the requesting company or substitute statement showing number, date of registration, number of R.E.A., registered office of the company and activity carried out;
• copy of the contracts or substitutive declarations of clients located in the L.T.Z. attesting to the work to be carried out within the Limited Traffic Zone and the relative time duration;
• copy of the vehicle's registration certificate, or substitutive declaration (N.B. Vehicles with a maximum full load capacity exceeding 3.5 tons and which, as far as motor vehicles are concerned, do not comply with the minimum directives provided for by the European Union on environmental pollution cannot be authorized - for petrol vehicles: EEC 91/441 and subsequent, for diesel vehicles: 91/542/EEC - phase B and subsequent, or 94/12/EEC and subsequent. For the application for permits for the circulation of trucks, however, the minimum anti-pollution characteristics for access are Euro 4 and higher);
• copy of the Single Document of Contributive Regularity (DURC) in the case of request for a truck access in a LTZ;
• in the case of leasing or rental of the vehicle: copy of the leasing or rental report.
Please provide the following documentation required for the issue of the above permits:
• request for permit by the interested party;
• copy of the transport document for the bulky material;
• A copy of the vehicle registration certificate, or a statutory declaration (N.B. Vehicles with a maximum laden load capacity of more than 3.5 tonnes and which do not comply with the minimum EU directives on environmental pollution cannot be authorised - for petrol vehicles: EEC 91/441 and subsequent, for diesel vehicles: 91/542/EEC - phase B and subsequent, or 94/12/EEC and subsequent);
• in the case of leasing or rental of the vehicle: a copy of the leasing or rental report.
In order to carry out the activity of funeral transport, it is necessary to send a request on letterhead that shows the date and place of the ceremony, as well as a copy of the vehicle registration certificate to be authorized and proof of payment of the amount due.
Proxy modalities
For all requests: in the event that the permit application is submitted by a person other than the applicant, it is mandatory to submit a handwritten proxy and a copy of the delegating person's identity document.