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Issue of the permit

How to apply for a permit

In order to be issued with the special parking permit for people with disabilities, the interested party must declare his own personal data, as well as present one of the medical
certificates issued by the medical examiner of the ASL to which he belongs, listed below:

  • medical certification drawn up in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 495 of 16 December 1992, updated by Presidential Decree no. 610 of 16 September 1996, certifying a significantly reduced walking ability or that the person is blind;
  • medical-legal certification drawn up in accordance with the aforementioned Law no.

102/2009 (expressly stating that the subject has a significantly reduced walking capacity or is blind) to be presented together with the letter signed by the Director of the competent INPS structure confirming the conclusion of the health procedure. The aforementioned certification must be presented both in original, for the operators to see, and in copy for the records of our offices.
A passport photo of the applicant is necessary to attach on the application.
The authorization to process sensitive data must necessarily be signed by the applicant. In case of presentation of the application by a delegated person, it is necessary an authorization form on plain paper and the copy of valid identification documents of the delegator and the delegate.
Applications for the issue for people with disabilities permit may be submitted :

  • at the appropriate offices of the municipalities to which they belong
  • at the ASL to which they belong, through the medical examiner who issues the medical certificate
  • by PEC ( also by simple email (not PEC), by mail c/o Roma Servizi per la Mobilità - via Silvio D'Amico n 40 - 00145 Roma, or by fax at +39 06 4695.6660. Requests sent by February 28, if erroneously complete with payment will be processed according to the current operating procedure. For requests without payment, payment via PagoPA will be used.

What is the validity?

The permit will be valid for the same period as the one indicated on the aforementioned medical-legal certificate, with an additional 45 days for those with a certificate attesting to a reduction in walking ability for a period of less than 5 years.

How much it costs

For the issue of a permit with a medical-legal certificate attesting to a significantly reduced walking ability for a period of 5 years or permanently, the amount of the permit is € 6.16.

For the issue of a permit with a medical certificate attesting to a significantly reduced mobility for a period of less than 5 years, the amount of the permit is € 22,16. A € 16.00
revenue stamp must also be produced.

How to pay

If you send the documentation via pec/fax you can pay via pagoPA slip that will be sent to you via email. The slip will be sent in PDF via email.
If you submit the application to our counter in via Silvio D'Amico n 40 you can pay by ATM or credit card, after the successful verification of the application. The cash on delivery will be sent in PDF via email

NB: The revenue stamp of € 16.00 will not be affixed to the application form, but will be paid virtually, i.e. paid together, in a single solution, with the amount of the permit.

ISO 9001