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Planning the public transport

Pubblicato il: 04/01/2018 - Aggiornato il: 27/11/2023

Roma Servizi per la Mobilità draws up amendment projects for the overground public transport network on the basis of requests made by the peripheral and central administration.

In the last two years the main plans refer to local issues connected to bus7tram depots. In 2015 projects were drawn up to review 142 bus routes, and 112 have been activated. Again in 2015 interventions were planned to adapt 250 public transport stops, of these 150 were carried out.

A continuos review of buses' frequency is carried out, paying attention to issues such the mobility demand (number of people on board) and the updating of  the journey time.

In the summer, the school buses' schedule is updated, according to where the students come from and the starting time of classes (secondary and high school). This programming involves tram and underground lines as well.