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Changing the number plate and duplicate in case of loss, theft or change of domicile

Pubblicato il: 13/02/2018 - Aggiornato il: 27/11/2023

BEWAREYou can only access ZTL areas with a permit: sending the application form and the documentation is not enough to avoid fines. You can apply online for the permit and the permit will be sent to you by email in a PDF format..

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Who can request it

  • Changing the number plate: anyone who has a valid permit and has changed vehicle from the one declared on the application form.
  • Duplicate after a change of domicile: residents of a ZTL area who hold a valid permit and have moved house but stayed in the same ZTL area.
  • Duplicate in case of loss or theft: all permit holders that have lost or had their permit stolen and want to have another permit for the same vehicle indicated in the original application form.


  • Permits can be replaced only if the new vehicle has the same tax horsepower of the previous one and if lorries have the same antipollution characteristics of the previous ones.
  • There is no need to ask for a duplicate in case of loss or theft of permits that were sent in a PDF format by mail.
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How many permits can be issued?

1 permit

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How can you apply for a permit?

Sportello on lineResidents who need to change the number plate or need duplicates in case of change of domicile can do it online


  • By Fax, send the filled in application form, all the documents requested in the application and a copy of your ID Card to the no: 0646956660
  • By post, send the filled in application form, all the documents requested in the application and a copy of your ID Card to: Roma Servizi per la Mobilità – via Silvio D'amico n 40 - 00145 Roma.

At the help desk, submit the filled in application form, all the documents requested in the application and a copy of your ID Card; if you’re submitting the application for someone else bring a proxy and a copy of your document too. To avoid lines at the help-desk download the App Qurami and book your appointment.

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How much does it cost?

  Prices for all ZTL areas
Change of number plate € 132,00
Duplicate for theft € 150,00 (€ 0,00 for permits sent in a PDF format by email)
Duplicate for loss € 150,00 (€ 0,00 for permits sent in a PDF format by email)
Duplicate when moving house € 182,00


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