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Authorization C

Pubblicato il: 14/12/2018 - Aggiornato il: 27/11/2023
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What is it

The Authorization “C” allows the holders of permits to enter and move in the C ZTL Bus Area for a maximum time of 60 minutes after the entry, and only in the events listed above:

  • transport of pupils enrolled in primary school headed for school excursions- organized by the Institute- towards the tourist interest sites located inside the C ZTL Bus Area (max 30 authorizations per day, until sold out)

  • moving towards the hotels equipped with at least 40 rooms located in the C ZTL Area (max 30 authorizations per day, until sold out)

  • transport of disabled passengers travelling on board-equipped-coaches (special circulation permits)

N.B. for the passengers’ hop on operations it will be necessary to obtain a second authorization that can be granted on the same day ( for Institutes) or in a different day (for Hotels)

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How can it be requested

The Authorization C can be requested online, when purchasing the day permit “B” or when first validating one ticket of the Carnet. The authorization must be requested within 5 working days before the entrance and it may be issued only to SPID-authenticated users.

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How much does it cost

The grant of the Authorization “C” does not entail any additional restrictions and costs on the day permit or entry card previously purchased.

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