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Multi Entry Card

Pubblicato il: 14/12/2018 - Aggiornato il: 27/11/2023
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Multi entry card can be composed of 50, 100, 200 or 300 day permits of type A or B. Every day permit of the Multi entry card allows Users to move and park (short, long or hourly term) in the A, or B ZTL BUS Areas, depending on the type of permit purchased.

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Company requesting for Multi Entry Card must be in possession of the following documents:

  • driver’s license for the bus rental busines
  • current contribution and national insurance premiums

It will be possible to grant Multi Entry Card also for “hired-with-driver” buses (NCC Bus) or for "public transport  line" buses, as long as the Multi Entry Card has been associated with NCC Bus and the buses are in possession of a specific authorization valid for a maximum period of 365 days from the date of issue of the Multi Entry Card.
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Multi Entry Card can be requested only online and can be paid via SEPA or credit card. The release of the Multi Entry Card is tied up to:

  • Environmental class

  • Vehicle length (longer or shorter than 8 metres)

The purchased Multi Entry Card may also be used for vehicles equipped with better environmental class and smaller length.

Companies can request online a ticket from the Multi Entry Card purchased, indicating on the web page the following data:

  • The day of admission in the A and B ZTL BUS Areas

  • the license plate of every vehicle

  • the subcategory of permit (B1, B2, B3 exc)

  • any eventual application for an authorization to enter the C ZTL BUS Area

The system will allow the release of the day permit according to the availability of the chosen parking areas.

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The Multi Entry Card is valid for 365 days from the date of issue. Refunds will not provided in case of non-use (total or partial) of the entries within expiry period.


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It is possible to change the details (term of the authorization and vehicle registration) of a Multi Entry Card’s entry until 11.59 Pm of the day before the start of the service.

The Multi Entry Card’s data can be changed (for 150 € per operation) in the following cases:

  • change of license (for one or more licenses’ change combined with vehicles indicated during the Carnet’s purchase)

  • change of the business name (in case of the Multi Entry Card’s transfer to another Company in possess of the requirements)

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A€ 1.700,00€ 3.050,00€ 5.450,00€ 7.350,00
B€ 6.000,00€ 10.800,00€ 19.450,00€ 26.250,00
A€ 1.350,00€ 2.400,00€ 4.300,00€ 5.800,00
B€ 4.800,00€ 8.650,00€ 15.600,00€ 21.000,00
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