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Pubblicato il: 10/05/2023 - Aggiornato il: 10/05/2023

C-RoadsThis is a project co-funded by the INEA Agency that started on July 1, 2020 and will end on December 31, 2023.

The C-ROADS project, whose main theme is cooperative systems (C-ITS), is part of the C-ROADS platform, which was launched in Europe in 2016 and was created to ensure homogeneity in the use of technical specifications in the development of C-ITS services, to ensure interoperability of services between countries and to standardize V2I communication standards (hybrid mode, G5 ETSI + cellular).

In C-ROADS ITALY 3 il principale beneficiario è il Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti mentre Roma Servizi per la Mobilità è uno degli Implementing Bodies insieme ad Autostrada del Brennero, Autovie Venete, Autostrade per l'Italia e CAV. It is precisely on Rome that the unique urban scope pilot will be carried out, involving the Porta Maggiore junction, the Prati basin and the Gianicolense ring road, focusing technical activity on LPT traffic light priority.