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People with disabilities

The permit for people with disabilities (if the person is onboard) allows them to:

  • Apply (also online) for a limited traffic zones permit - up to 3 different vehicles

  • Park in the designated parking spaces (unless the "reserved" ones, as written on the signposting)

  • Park for free in the toll parking spaces - marked called "strisce blu"

  • Drive, in case of necessity, through bus lanes (except those where taxi are not allowed)

  • Access Hospitals’ parking areas

  • Access pedestrian areas (unless further specific traffic restrictions apply)

Roma Servizi per la Mobilità s.r.l. supports the Department of Mobility and Transport of Rome in activities related to planning, monitoring and verification of the public transport service aimed at people with severe motor disabilities, total blindness or visually impaired people with visual residue of no more than 1/20 in both eyes with the best lens correction.

The above service, currently available to a thousand people, is intended for those who travel for work, study, therapy and social activities. For needs, requests, reports and complaints (relative to the collective and/or individual transport service) it is possible to email: or dial: 0657003. Meetings with the users will be scheduled via appointment.

N.B.: according to D.G.C. 145/2018 - Bodies, Associations, Cooperatives and NGOs dealing with people with disabilities’ public transport service, as a result of the commissions assigned by the Public Administration, are entitled to the recognition of vehicular access permits in ZTL in a non-onerous way and for a number of vehicles used to carry out this activity equal to that indicated in the transport service's tender notice. The relevant Organizations are invited to submit the following documentation by emailing it exclusively via PEC to:

  • request on letterhead, indicating the means to be included in the list of vehicles authorized for access to the ZTL and for transit on public transport lanes
  • copy of the Statute of the Institution/Association/Cooperative/Onlus
  • copy of the tender's custody document showing the total number of vehicles to be authorized
  • copy of the ID of the requesting Organization’s Legal Representative (signer)

The validity of the recognized permission is equal to that of the service's trust. Paper marks are not expected to be released.

For any queries, requests, reports or complaints (regarding the transport service for groups or individuals) send an email to: or call: +39 06 57003.

On behalf of the Department of Social Affairs, Subsidiarity and Health, Roma Servizi per la Mobilità carries out activities of support and assistance (on programming, monitoring and verification) for services of "transportation of people with severe motor disability or total blindness and people with low vision residual vision not exceeding 1/20 in both eyes with the best correction lens ".

For submitting demands, requests, reports and complaints (relating to collective transport service and/or individual), you can write to or call +39 06 67105387



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